home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- processor 6502
- include vcs.h
- SCANLINE = $80
- KEYDELAY = $81
- COLUMN = $82
- GRHEIGHT = $83
- VALUE = $84
- REPS = $85
- MODE = $86
- IGNORE = $87
- BGCOLOR = $88
- DRAWROW = $89
- ROW = $8A
- ROWBIT = $8B
- GRID = $8c ; 6 BYTES
- GRTABLE = $92 ; 12 BYTES
- CLICK = $9F
- MOVES = $A0 ; 6 BYTES
- LEVEL = $A6
- FIRE = $A7
- SCROLL = $A9
- RAND1 = $AA
- RAND2 = $AB
- RAND3 = $AC
- CHAR = $AD
- NOTES = $c1
- DURATION = $c5
- org $f800
- levels
- .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff
- .byte $00,$50,$88,$88,$50,$00
- .byte $50,$00,$00,$00,$00,$50
- .byte $88,$50,$00,$00,$50,$88
- .byte $00,$88,$88,$88,$88,$00
- .byte $00,$00,$d8,$d8,$00,$00
- .byte $50,$d8,$88,$88,$d8,$50
- .byte $88,$50,$88,$88,$50,$88
- .byte $f8,$88,$20,$20,$88,$f8
- .byte $88,$00,$00,$00,$00,$88
- .byte $50,$d8,$d8,$d8,$d8,$50
- .byte $00,$20,$88,$88,$20,$00
- .byte $88,$f8,$70,$70,$f8,$88
- .byte $00,$00,$10,$10,$00,$00
- .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$10,$00
- .byte $e0,$a0,$a0,$a0,$a8,$38
- .byte $00,$08,$10,$20,$00,$00
- .byte $30,$48,$a0,$48,$80,$08
- .byte $10,$00,$80,$00,$40,$10
- .byte $80,$ff,$90,$01,$90,$90
- .byte $c0,$38,$c0,$28,$50,$28
- .byte $38,$68,$b0,$48,$30,$40
- .byte $f8,$f0,$f8,$f0,$f8,$f0
- .byte $a8,$10,$a0,$08,$00,$08
- .byte $d8,$f8,$e8,$98,$78,$f8
- .byte $00,$00,$48,$10,$00,$50
- .byte $c8,$50,$40,$a0,$10,$80
- .byte $e0,$00,$c8,$30,$c0,$30
- .byte $50,$01,$30,$80,$01,$81
- .byte $10,$b0,$80,$18,$80,$78
- .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
- logo1
- .byte $00,$89,$8b,$92,$e1,$88,$8b,$f7,$03,$00,$00
- logo2
- .byte $00,$c9,$09,$89,$dd,$88,$00,$ff,$00,$80,$00
- logo3
- .byte $00,$06,$09,$a9,$46,$01,$7e,$80,$00,$00,$00
- logo4
- .byte $00,$14,$2a,$49,$41,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
- logo5
- .byte $00,$35,$49,$49,$39,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
- logo6
- .byte $00,$07,$0c,$aa,$47,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
- org $f900
- off1 ds 16,0
- on
- ;smiley
- .byte $00,$38,$7c,$6c,$d6,$ba,$ba,$fe,$fe,$d6,$7c,$7c,$38,$00,$00,$2a
- ;cat
- .byte $7c,$82,$6c,$ee,$aa,$82,$ba,$44,$38,$7c,$ee,$d6,$7c,$c6,$82,$ec
- ;check
- .byte $18,$38,$28,$68,$c8,$88,$04,$04,$04,$04,$02,$02,$02,$01,$01,$42
- ;plus
- .byte $38,$38,$28,$28,$ee,$ee,$82,$82,$ee,$ee,$28,$28,$38,$38,$00,$48
- ;diamond
- .byte $10,$10,$28,$28,$54,$54,$ba,$ba,$54,$54,$28,$28,$10,$10,$00,$AC
- ;key
- .byte $10,$28,$2c,$2c,$28,$28,$2c,$28,$38,$7c,$f6,$f6,$f6,$6c,$38,$0E
- ;turtle
- .byte $00,$82,$92,$ba,$6c,$54,$6c,$54,$6c,$ba,$92,$aa,$28,$10,$00,$C2
- ;spaceman
- .byte $44,$ee,$44,$44,$82,$82,$54,$7c,$6c,$fe,$ba,$7c,$38,$00,$00,$62
- crsgrp
- .byte $7c,$38,$10 ; Pattern for cursor
- incchar ; increment random number for token
- lda RAND3
- clc
- adc #$10
- sta RAND3
- cmp #$90
- bne charok
- lda #$10
- sta RAND3
- charok
- rts
- crdr ; cursor drawing routine
- lda #$01
- sta VDELP0
- sta VDELP1
- crdr2
- lda (CRTABLE),y ; get player0 copy1 data
- sta GRP0
- sta WSYNC
- lda (CRTABLE+$2),y ; get player1 copy1 data
- sta GRP1
- lda (CRTABLE+$4),y ; get player0 copy2 data
- sta GRP0
- lda (CRTABLE+$6),y ; get player1 copy2 data
- lda (CRTABLE+$8),y ; get player0 copy3 data
- tax
- lda (CRTABLE+$A),y ; get player1 copy3 data
- tay
- sta GRP1
- stx GRP0
- sty GRP1
- sta GRP0
- bpl crdr2 ; loop until done
- lda #$0
- sta VDELP0
- sta VDELP1
- sta GRP1
- sta GRP0
- sta GRP1
- rts
- drw1
- lda SCANLINE ; adjust scanline count
- rts
- ; clears the counter
- clrscore
- ldy #$5
- cloop
- lda #$0
- sta MOVES,y
- dey
- bpl cloop
- rts
- pushed ; set up ROWBIT for updating grid
- tya
- clc
- sbc #$0b
- tax
- lda GRID,x
- eor ROWBIT
- sta GRID,x
- rts
- org $fa00
- winpat ; scrolling "You Win!" message
- .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$80,$40,$38,$40,$80,$00,$70,$88,$88,$70
- .byte $00,$f0,$08,$08,$f0,$00,$00,$e0,$18,$30,$18,$e0,$00,$88,$f8,$88
- .byte $00,$f8,$40,$20,$10,$f8,$00,$e8,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
- playpat ; scrolling "Select Level" message
- .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$48,$a8,$a8,$90,$00,$f8,$a8,$88,$88,$00,$f8
- .byte $08,$08,$08,$00,$f8,$a8,$88,$88,$00,$f8,$88,$88,$88,$00,$80,$80
- .byte $f8,$80,$80,$00,$00,$f8,$08,$08,$08,$00,$f8,$a8,$88,$88,$00,$c0
- .byte $30,$08,$30,$c0,$00,$f8,$a8,$88,$88,$00,$f8,$08,$08,$08,$08,$00
- .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00
- curs ; Sets CRTABLE variable to point to cursor
- ldx #$b
- curs1
- lda >#off1
- sta CRTABLE,x
- dex
- lda <#off1
- sta CRTABLE,x
- dex
- bpl curs1
- lda COLUMN
- clc
- sbc #$b
- clc
- rol
- tax
- lda <#crsgrp
- sta CRTABLE,x
- rts
- movepat ; Sets grid up for current level pattern
- lda #>levels
- sta GRTABLE+1
- ldy #$5
- resgrid
- lda (GRTABLE),y
- sta GRID,y
- dey
- bpl resgrid
- rts
- eorgrid ; Combines 2 preset puzzles to make random one
- lda #>levels
- sta GRTABLE+1
- lda RAND2
- ldy #$5
- ep1
- lda (GRTABLE),y
- eor GRID,y
- sta GRID,y
- dey
- bpl ep1
- rts
- lda #$0 ; Actual start of ROM image
- tay
- clear
- sta $0,y ; Clears TIA regs and RAM (Thanks Dan!)
- dey
- bne clear
- ldy #$1d
- lda #$c
- sta COLUMN ; Reset column
- lda #$10
- sta RAND3
- sta CHAR
- lda #$c
- sta AUDC0
- jsr clrscore
- lda #$3
- sta MODE
- cld
- clc
- jsr incscore
- Start
- jsr curs
- ldx #$ff
- lda MODE
- cmp #$1
- bne nofire
- ldx INPT4
- nofire
- stx FIRE
- dec CLICK
- bpl nosound
- lda #$00
- sta AUDV0
- nosound
- lda #$57
- STA WSYNC ; wait for the horizontal sync
- STA VBLANK ; start vert blanking, enable I4 & I5 latches
- STA VSYNC ; start vertical retrace
- LDA #$2A
- STA TIM8T ; set timer for correct length
- Loop4
- BNE Loop4 ; waste some time
- STY WSYNC ; wait for the horizontal sync
- STY VSYNC ; stop vertical retrace period
- LDA #$24
- STA TIM64T ; set timer for the big wait
- ; This is the main kernal of the logic for the game
- lda MODE
- cmp #$2
- bmi readcons ; if MODE = 3, then scroll intro message
- bne intro ; if MODE = 2, then scroll win message
- jsr playsong ; play the winning tune
- inc BGCOLOR ; change the background color
- intro
- jsr winner ; call the scroll routine
- readcons
- lda SWCHB ; read the console switches
- ror
- bcs select ; check Reset if not pressed go check Select
- lda RAND3 ; get random token
- sta CHAR
- ldx #$0 ; mute audio channel 1
- sta AUDV1
- jsr incrand ; increase RAND1
- lda #$1
- sta MODE ; set mode to PLAY
- lda #$0
- sta BGCOLOR ; set background color to black
- lda LEVEL
- cmp #$b4 ; Level 31?
- bne rc1 ; nope, don't create random level
- lda RAND1
- cmp RAND2 ; if RAND1 and RAND2 are equal, increase RAND1
- bne rc3 ; otherwise we end up with a blank puzzle!
- ldx #$0
- jsr incrand
- rc3 jsr clrscore ; reset counter
- ldy RAND1
- jsr movepat
- jsr eorgrid ; create random puzzle
- jmp j0
- rc1 jsr clrscore ; reset counter
- ldy LEVEL
- jsr movepat ; move proper level to grid
- jmp j0
- select
- tay
- ldx #$1
- jsr incrand ; increase RAND2
- jsr incchar ; increase RAND3
- tya
- ror ; Check Select switch
- bcs js ; if not pressed go check joystick
- lda KEYDELAY ; pressed, is the keydelay set?
- bne j0 ; yeah, oh well, maybe next time
- inc KEYDELAY ; nope, activate keydelay
- lda MODE ; are we already in select mode?
- beq selmode ; yes, forget select mode setup
- lda #$0 ; no, setup select mode
- sta MODE
- sta BGCOLOR ; set background to black
- lda #$fa ; set level to $fa which will be inced to $00
- sta LEVEL
- jsr clrscore ; clear counter
- selmode
- lda LEVEL ; inc level by 6 (# of bytes per puzzle)
- clc
- adc #$6
- cmp #$ba ; did we hit level 32 yet?
- bne notlast ; nope, don't set level to 1
- jsr clrscore ; yep, set level to 1
- lda #$0
- notlast
- sta LEVEL
- tay
- jsr movepat ; move level pattern to grid
- jsr incscore ; increment counter
- jmp Loop3 ; start drawing the screen
- js
- ldy #$f0 ; load dummy into y incase not in play mode
- lda MODE ; Are we in PLAY mode?
- cmp #$1
- bne nojs ; nope, don't read joystick
- lda SWCHA ; read joystick
- and #$f0
- tay
- nojs
- cpy #$f0 ; if bits 4-7 = 1 in SWCHA, js not moved
- bne j0
- lda FIRE ; see if fire button was pressed
- bpl j0 ; yes, go check keydelay
- lda #$0 ; nope, clear keydelay
- sta KEYDELAY ; if nothing pressed, reset keydelay
- jmp b10 ; b10 too far away for a beq :(
- j0
- inc KEYDELAY ; increment keydelay
- cpx #$00 ; was old keydelay 0?
- beq joa ; yeah, lets check the fire button again
- cpx #$10 ; nope, was old keydelay $10?
- beq job ; yeah, o.k. we can check the fire button
- jmp Loop3 ; nope, forget the fire button, draw screen
- job lda #$0
- sta KEYDELAY ; reset keydelay
- bne joa ; hmm, this doesn't seem to do anything :^|
- jmp Loop3 ; could probably use beq Loop3 if in range
- joa lda FIRE ; check fire button again
- bpl b6 ; ahh, it's been pushed, let's go do something
- tya ; get joystick reading from y
- asl ; check the "right" bit
- bcs j2 ; nope, go check "left" bit
- ldy COLUMN ; move cursor right
- iny
- cpy #$12 ; did we move past the last column?
- bne j1 ; nah, we're ok
- ldy #$c ; yep, reset to first column
- j1 sty COLUMN
- j2 asl ; check the "left" bit
- bcs j4 ; nope, go check "down" bit
- ldy COLUMN ; move cursor left
- dey
- cpy #$b ; did we go too far left?
- bne j3 ; nope
- ldy #$11 ; yeah, set pointer to column 6
- j3 sty COLUMN
- j4
- asl ; check the "down" bit
- bcs j5 ; nope, go check "up" bit
- inc ROW ; move cursor down
- lda ROW
- cmp #$5 ; did we go too far down?
- bne b6 ; nope
- lda #$0 ; yeah, set row to top row
- sta ROW
- jmp b6
- j5 asl ; check the "up" bit
- bcs b6 ; nope, check the fire button
- dec ROW ; move pointer up
- bpl b6 ; did we go too far up? nope!
- ldy #$4 ; yep! set row to bottom row
- sty ROW
- b6
- lda FIRE ; check for fire button
- and #$80
- bne b10 ; not pressed, draw screen
- jsr incscore ; pressed, increase "moves" counter
- b6a
- ldx ROW ; invert "plus" pattern
- inx
- lda eorpat,x
- sta ROWBIT
- ldy COLUMN
- jsr pushed
- ldx ROW
- inx
- lda bitpat,x
- sta ROWBIT
- iny
- cpy #$6
- beq ps1
- jsr pushed
- ps1 dey
- dey
- bmi b10
- jsr pushed
- ldy #$5
- checkwin ; routine to see if puzzle is solved
- lda GRID,y
- and #$f8
- beq colok
- lda #$0
- colok
- dey
- bpl checkwin
- beq keepon ; no, stay in PLAY mode
- lda #$2 ; YES! the puzzle is solved
- sta MODE
- lda #$0a ; set number of notes to $a
- sta NOTES
- sta DURATION ; set duration for small pause befor song
- lda #$4 ; set type of tone to play on aud channel 1
- sta AUDC1
- lda #$0 ; reset scrolling message counter
- sta SCROLL
- sta BGCOLOR ; set background color to black
- keepon
- b10
- Loop3
- lda BGCOLOR ; start of screen rendering routine
- sta COLUBK ; set background color
- Loop3a
- BNE Loop3a ; waste time
- STY WSYNC ; wait for horizontal sync
- ldy #$04
- STY VBLANK ; end vertical blanking
- sty WSYNC
- lda #$75 ; set number of scanlines
- sta WSYNC
- lda #$00 ; clear background
- sta PF0
- sta PF1
- sta PF2
- sta REFP0
- sta HMP1 ; move player 1 right 7 pixels
- loop6
- stx WSYNC
- ldy #$0
- sty DRAWROW ; reset drawrow variable
- cpx #$75 ; top of screen?
- bne tb1 ; no, get outta here!
- lda #$84 ; set playfield color
- sta COLUPF
- lda #$1 ; set playfield control
- sta CTRLPF
- lda BGCOLOR ; set token color to background color
- sta COLUP0
- sta COLUP1
- okie ; copies addrs to zero-page for RetroWare
- ldx #$0b
- okie7
- lda oktbl,x
- sta GRTABLE,x
- dex
- bpl okie7
- jsr drawit ; set up draw routine
- lda #$ff
- sta PF2
- ldy #$6 ; set height of graphic to draw
- lda #$18 ; set color for graphic
- sta COLUP0
- sta COLUP1
- jsr loop2a ; go draw "Okie Dokie"
- ldx #$71
- stx SCANLINE ; fudge scanline #
- tb1
- cpx #$71 ; top of grid?
- bne tb2 ; nope, get outta here!
- lda #$01 ; yeah, set side borders for puzzle
- sta PF2
- lda #>off1 ; put high-byte of graphics in GRTABLE
- ldy #$d
- tb1a
- sta GRTABLE,y
- dey
- dey
- bpl tb1a
- jmp b4
- tb2 iny
- cpx #$70 ; if at scanline #$70 set up row 1
- beq b0
- iny
- cpx #$60 ; set up row 2
- beq b0
- iny
- cpx #$50 ; set up row 3
- beq b0
- iny
- cpx #$40 ; set up row 4
- beq b0
- iny
- cpx #$30 ; set up row 5
- beq b0
- iny
- cpx #$20 ; set up row 6
- bne b4
- sty DRAWROW ; set up and draw "RetroWare"
- lda #$ff
- sta PF2
- jsr name
- lda #$8
- jsr loop2a
- lda #$0
- sta PF2
- jsr mv
- ldy #$9
- bne bb
- b0 sty DRAWROW
- jsr code
- ldy #$e
- bb sty GRHEIGHT
- ldx CHAR
- lda on-1,x ; get token color and set it
- sta COLUP0
- sta COLUP1
- jsr drw1
- jsr loop2a ; actually draw token row
- b1
- cpx ROW ; should we draw the cursor?
- bne bb3 ; nope (we still draw it but in bg color)
- lda #$43 ; set cursor color
- bb3
- sta COLUP0
- sta COLUP1
- ldy #$2 ; set up cursor height
- jsr crdr ; actually draw cursor
- b4 dec SCANLINE ; are we done with the screen yet?
- beq b4a ; YES! Thank God! let's start over.
- jmp loop6 ; nope, go to the next scanline
- b4a
- jmp Start
- drawit
- lda #$03 ; set both players to 3 copies
- sta NUSIZ0
- sta NUSIZ1
- ldx #$6 ; move players 12 columns over
- ldy #$0
- sta WSYNC ; wait for scanline
- loop1
- dex ; wait for column (15 bit wide) x
- bpl loop1
- nop ; additional delay
- sta RESP0 ; reset player 0
- sta RESP1 ; reset player 1
- lda #$d0 ; set player 0 to move left 1 pixel
- sta HMP0
- lda #$e0
- sta HMP1
- sta WSYNC
- sta HMOVE ; move player 0
- loop2a
- lda #$01
- sta VDELP0
- sta VDELP1
- loop2
- lda (GRTABLE),y ; get player0 copy1 data
- sta GRP0
- sta WSYNC
- lda (GRTABLE+$2),y ; get player1 copy1 data
- sta GRP1
- lda (GRTABLE+$4),y ; get player0 copy2 data
- sta GRP0
- lda (GRTABLE+$6),y ; get player1 copy2 data
- lda (GRTABLE+$8),y ; get player0 copy3 data
- tax
- lda (GRTABLE+$A),y ; get player1 copy3 data
- tay
- sta GRP1
- stx GRP0
- sty GRP1
- sta GRP0
- bpl loop2 ; loop until done
- lda #$0
- sta VDELP0
- sta VDELP1
- sta GRP1
- sta GRP0
- sta GRP1
- rts
- okie1 ; Graphics for "Okie Dokie"
- .byte $00,$71,$89,$89,$89,$89,$70
- okie2
- .byte $00,$29,$4b,$8a,$41,$28,$00
- okie3
- .byte $00,$c0,$00,$80,$c0,$00,$00
- okie4
- .byte $00,$f0,$89,$89,$88,$88,$f0
- okie5
- .byte $00,$e4,$15,$16,$e5,$04,$00
- okie6
- .byte $00,$a7,$2c,$2a,$07,$a0,$00
- table2 ; Address table for "RetroWare"
- .byte <logo1
- .byte >logo1
- .byte <logo2
- .byte >logo2
- .byte <logo3
- .byte >logo3
- .byte <logo4
- .byte >logo4
- .byte <logo5
- .byte >logo5
- .byte <logo6
- .byte >logo6
- name ; copies addresses to zero-page for RetroWare
- sta COLUP0
- sta COLUP1
- ldx #$0b
- loop7
- lda table2,x
- sta GRTABLE,x
- dex
- bpl loop7
- rts
- ;bit-mapped graphics of digits
- org $fe00
- d0 .byte $00,$00,$38,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$38,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
- d1 .byte $00,$00,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$30,$10,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
- d2 .byte $00,$00,$7c,$40,$40,$30,$08,$04,$44,$38,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
- d3 .byte $00,$00,$38,$44,$44,$04,$18,$04,$44,$38,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
- d4 .byte $00,$00,$04,$04,$7e,$44,$24,$14,$0c,$04,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
- d5 .byte $00,$00,$38,$44,$44,$04,$78,$40,$40,$7c,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
- d6 .byte $00,$00,$38,$44,$44,$78,$40,$40,$44,$38,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
- d7 .byte $00,$00,$20,$20,$10,$10,$08,$08,$04,$78,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
- d8 .byte $00,$00,$38,$44,$44,$44,$38,$44,$44,$38,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
- d9 .byte $00,$00,$38,$44,$04,$3c,$44,$44,$44,$38,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
- dl .byte $00,$fc,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
- dv .byte $00,$10,$28,$28,$44,$44,$82,$82,$82,$82,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
- off ds 16,0
- code
- sta WSYNC
- lda bitpat,x
- sta ROWBIT
- ldx #$0d ; sets up addresses
- ldy #$6 ; for drawing the row of tokens
- code1
- lda GRID,y
- and ROWBIT
- bne cd2
- lda #<off1
- beq cd3
- cd2 lda CHAR
- cd3 sta GRTABLE-1,x
- dex
- dex
- dey
- bpl code1
- rts
- mv ; sets up addresses in zero-page locations
- ldx #$0b ; for drawing the 6-digit code for displaying
- ldy #$5 ; the number of moves executed.
- mv1
- lda #$fe
- sta GRTABLE,x
- lda MOVES,y
- sta GRTABLE-1,x
- dex
- dex
- dey
- bpl mv1
- lda #<off
- ldy MODE
- bne mv2
- lda #<dl
- sta GRTABLE+4
- lda #<dv
- sta GRTABLE+2
- mv2 lda #<off
- sta GRTABLE+10
- cpy #$3
- bne mv3
- sta GRTABLE+2
- sta GRTABLE+4
- sta GRTABLE+6
- sta GRTABLE+8
- mv3 rts
- bitpat ; bit look up table
- .byte $00,$80,$40,$20,$10,$08
- eorpat ; inverting look up table
- .byte $00,$c0,$e0,$70,$38,$1c
- winner ; scrolling message routine
- cmp #$8
- bne endwin
- lda #$0
- lda #>playpat
- sta GRTABLE+1
- lda #<playpat
- ldy MODE
- cpy #$3
- beq play
- lda #>winpat
- sta GRTABLE+1
- lda #<winpat
- play
- clc
- adc SCROLL
- ldy #$5
- reswin
- lda (GRTABLE),y
- sta GRID,y
- dey
- bpl reswin
- inc SCROLL
- lda #$27
- ldy MODE
- cpy #$2
- beq win
- lda #$40
- win cmp SCROLL
- bne endwin
- lda #$0
- sta SCROLL
- endwin
- rts
- incscore ; increment counter
- lda #$ff
- sta AUDV0
- lda #$10
- sta CLICK
- sed
- ldx #$4
- digloop
- lda MOVES,x
- clc
- adc #$10
- sta MOVES,x
- cmp #$0
- bne isexit
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne digloop
- isexit
- cld
- rts
- incrand ; increment random number
- lda RAND1,x
- clc
- adc #$6
- sta RAND1,x
- cmp #$b4
- bne randok
- lda #$0
- sta RAND1,x
- randok
- rts
- playsong ; routine to play a song
- lda NOTES
- bmi songoff
- cmp #$4
- beq songoff
- cmp #$0
- bne songexit
- dec NOTES
- bmi songexit
- lda #$8
- sta AUDV1
- ldx NOTES
- lda dur,x
- lda freq,x
- sta AUDF1
- songexit
- rts
- songoff
- lda #$0
- sta AUDV1
- rts
- oktbl ; address table for "Okie Dokie"
- .byte <okie1
- .byte >okie1
- .byte <okie2
- .byte >okie2
- .byte <okie3
- .byte >okie3
- .byte <okie4
- .byte >okie4
- .byte <okie5
- .byte >okie5
- .byte <okie6
- .byte >okie6
- dur ; duration values for song notes
- .byte $20,$09,$09,$20,$18,$18,$18,$18,$09,$09
- freq ; frequency values for song notes
- .byte $0e,$10,$12,$14,$11,$10,$11,$10,$12,$13
- dc.b $a9,"RetroWare" ; copyright notice
- org $fffc
- .byte <BEGIN ; set ROM entry point
- .byte >BEGIN
- .byte <BEGIN ; set INTERRUPT vector
- .byte >BEGIN